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MKS GM50A质量流量控制器

  • 发布日期:2024-09-29 23:49
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 商机区域:全国
  • 浏览次数36
  • 留言咨询
美国MKS质量流量控制器 MKS GM50A系列金属密封质量流量控制器

gm50a是一个通用的,金属密封的MFC非常适合于各种各样的要求从5 SCCM 50 SLM FS流量控制功能的应用程序,N2当量。该gm50a包含了的数字流控制电子随着一个很好的证明,获得的热传感器和机械设计。

The GM50A digitally controlled MFC is available with either analog or digital I/O. The digital control electronics utilize the latest in MKS control algorithms providing fast and repeatable response to setpoint throughout the device control range. Typical response times are on the order of 500 milliseconds. Included is a digital calibration that yields 1% of setpoint accuracy on the calibration gas. The GM50A’s analog and digital I/O can easily be used to replac those same I/O types of the 1479A MFCs.

数字控制的gm50a MFC提供的模拟或数字I / O的数字控制电路,利用的控制算法来设定MKS提供快速和可重复的响应在整个装置的控制范围。典型的响应时间在500毫秒的顺序。包括一个数字校准,收益率1%的设定精度对标定气体。该gm50a的模拟和数字I / O可以很容易地被用来代替那些相同的I / O型的1479a电池。

The GM50A utilizes the standard 3-inch footprint most often used by MFCs in the 5 sccm to 50 slm flow rate range enabling its use without the need to modify existing gas line configurations. The GM50A metal sealed MFC with its electropolished surface finish is well suited for use in high purity process applications. The GM50A is also available in an MFM version (not electropolished).

该gm50a利用常用的在5 sccm的50 slm的流量范围内,使其使用而不需要修改现有的气线配置电池标准3英寸的足迹。金属密封的gm50a MFC与抛光的表面光洁度是非常适合使用在高纯度的过程中的应用。该gm50a在MFM版本也可用(不抛光)。

美国MKS质量流量控制器 MKS GM50A系列金属密封质量流量控制器优势:

获得的热传感器的设计提供了的零点稳定性 Percent of setpoint accuracy (calibration gas) enables precise process control1%的设定精度(标定)可以精确的过程控制

Embedded user interface provides the ability to



Easily change de


vice range and user gas reducing inventory requirements



Monitor de


vice functionality and collect performance data in-situ


10μ inch electropolished 316L surface finish enables MFC use for high purity applications


Compatible analog and digital (RS485, Devicenet and Profibus) I/O allow the GM50A to replac its 1479A counterparts

兼容模拟和数字(RS485总线,DeviceNet)I / O允许gm50a更换1479a同行

CE Mark and RoHS Compliance – meeting requirements for the European unio


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